Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today I got 2 letters from my sweet missionary! He is so loving and encouraging.

"Now if you asked me if I would rather marry a top women's chorus professional folk dancer or a woman who has the natural ability to humbly and selflessly love her fellow man I would choose the latter. Why? Because those qualities are more eternal....Your ability to make people feel loved and happy is a trait you inherited from your Father in Heaven and is is the trait that has always attracted me to you."

"Sometimes I worry that my words do more harm than good but then I remember that you are my best friend in the whole worlds and so of course you understand me."

I don't know what I did to deserve this blessing.


  1. AW!!! He's SO right though... you definitely have a wonderful gift to make others feel loved and happy! I'm glad you have someone who can remind you of how absolutely wonderful you are!!!

  2. Oh Tasha, you are so blessed! And I agree with him absolutely! What a wonderful blessing to have him in your life!
