Monday, January 24, 2011

Words to Heal my Heart Today

"It's the little household crises that get to me. This time, my toddler’s favorite blanket was lost. In an effort to discourage her thumb-sucking, I’d hidden it. Bedtime had come and I couldn’t find the fuzzy pink thing. The memory lapses that come as a fringe benefit of my chronic illness had me opening kitchen cupboards and drawers as my daughter cried, 'Find it now, Mommy.' Her demand was a perfect parallel to my petitions to God: 'Fix me now, please.' Like my toddler, I sometimes want to throw myself on the floor and demand instant healing. I struggle to understand why it hasn’t come." 
-Rebecca Rice Birkin, "Instant Healing - Just Add Patience"

O thou that art the light of the minds that know thee,
the life of the souls that love thee,
and the strength of the wills that serve thee:
help us to know thee that truly love thee, 
and so to love thee that we might fully serve thee,
whom to serve is perfect freedom, 
-St. Augustine of Hippo

"But God sees the truth, and waits." 
- Jes S. Curtis

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry things are hard. I promise it will get better. When ever they would get ready to build a temple all the powers of hell would combine to try and stop it. Somethimes the same thing happens when two amazing people who will do amazing things get ready to join lives. You can weather this storm. I believe in you.
