Friday, June 24, 2011

Kid History

Last night, we went to the special premiere of Kid History episode 5. If you haven't seen episode 1, start here. It's FLIPPIN' AWESOME.

Us with our tickets!

It was weird to hear the guys talk with their adult voices, but they were so cool. They were really nice and stayed to meet all of us. It was sooooo awesome.

Brandon's just a little too tall. haha

Plus, I think episode 5 might be the best one yet. "No, you're not yistening! Watch my bum!"

And they a crowd shot of us at the end. We're in the back left corner. Look for us!

Ninja Vanish!


  1. love kid history. love it. also, never thought of how weird it would be to hear their adult voices haha. and i love your long hair! :)

  2. Hey Tasha thanks for posting this! Loved it. Where did you go to watch it?
