Monday, September 27, 2010

It's All About Your Heart.

It's all about your heart
Image found here. 

Have you listened to Mindy Gledhill's awesome new album? I love it. I can't get enough of it. The best song  is "All About Your Heart," written for the amazing Stephanie Neilsen. If you haven't heard her story, click here. If you haven't read her splendidly candid blog, click here. 

Whenever I feel like overwhelmed and inadequate, I close my eyes, turn on that song, and let the Spirit seep into my heart. It's like a love letter from my Heavenly Father to me. Every time I listen to it, the Spirit confirms that this is just how God feels about me, and all of His children.  

Oh, I've loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It's not about your scars
It's all about your heart

I know that I am imperfect. I know that I mess up. But the Lord doesn't mind that so much. "It's not about your past and your scars," He says. "It's all about your heart." He knows that my intentions are good and that my heart longs to do what is right, even if my hands can't seem to make that happen. I am special to Him. I am His daughter. He has created me with unique gifts and a special mission in this life. He loves me perfectly, and no matter what happens, I know He always will. 

I wish I had the words to express how very grateful I am for that beautiful knowledge!

(PS- Mindy Gledhill is performing at a free concert this Friday, if you're in Utah Valley and want to go. Click here!)

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